Go Gulp Up Your Soy Milk

The benefits of eating raw foods are quite astounding. While I'm the first to admit I'm not a Nutritionist, I feel comfortable sharing my advice and personal experience with clients. Those who are serious raw foods enthusiasts are actually referred to as those who practice Raw Foodism. No, that's not a made up phrase! It refers to the practice of eating unprocessed, uncooked and/or organic foods as a main source of nutrition. For the purposes of this article, I'm going to keep it simple and just help you understand how the benefits of eating raw foods may enhance your overall health and fitness goals.

Soy has been presented as a health food and is available in many forms such as soy flour widely used in the baked goods industry and soy milk widely used as an alternative to cow's milk. In replacing soy we face the same issue of becoming a food detective that we have with nuts and peanuts.

The demand for milk has created an intensive dairy industry in which cows are treated as units of production not living creatures. Dairy cows are selectively bred for the highest milk yield. They are impregnated every year so that they continue to produce milk.

Most people focus on the health benefits of vegetarianism. They may learn about the a2 cow ghee during pregnanc variety of vegetarian dishes that could be prepared. People may take nutrition lessons on how to eat a balanced diet using vegetarian foods. They may study how we can get the protein we need from meat substitutes such as soy products, beans, nuts, vegetable protein, dairy products, and click here other vegetarian foods.

Find others in your area passionate about homesteading. Look for a local online group or start one. Go to your nearby feed store and see if they offer classes on animal husbandry. Sign up for an organic gardening class. All of these will get you in touch with people who can share information with you and who will encourage you.

Well why not go straight to where the product is manufactured rather than waiting for it to be processed and converted by a middle man (or, cow)? OK, this is not a crusade for everybody to start eating their lawns, or clear out the plants on the town's vacant lots - although that argument is not without precedent. The story is told of one wheatgrass supporter, Ann Wigmore, who in the 1940s, healed herself of cancer from the weeds she found in vacant lots around Boston.

Overall, I have to say that extended breastfeeding really isn't about being green. It has some benefits that can be described as being eco friendly, but that's not the main benefit at all. It has much more to do with the health of the mother and child, with potential long term health benefits. That's what makes it so popular with "green" moms. Extended breastfeeding is one more way to try to do the best things for our families. That it's not bad for the environment is just a little plus.

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